The field of network infrastructure is complex and ever-changing. However, OptivITy is a dependable partner because of its suite of services that go above and beyond the ordinary.
OptivITy offers firewall management as a service to enhance network security, content security, secure data transfer, VOIP and studio management for UK-based businesses.
On-Premise Solutions and Cloud Services for Robust Network Infrastructure
OptivITy stands out when it comes to delivering on-premise Windows & Mac servers, storage solutions, and services such as Cloud, SharePoint and Box. However, this does not mean our job ends there; subsequent tasks are also provided by our managed services. We take care of file structures, permissions and any other subsequent changes that may be required. Our setup collaborates with production, VFX, art and accounts departments through direct communication with department heads to ensure user needs are met which includes storage solution backups running daily and monitored.