3 Ways To Boost Your Business’s Cash Flow

3 Ways To Boost Your Business’s Cash Flow

Cash flow also acts as a safety net should something suddenly go wrong in the business and you need to act fast. This is why a profitable business with a negative cash flow isn’t always a great thing. To help you gain control over and boost your cash flow, here are four useful strategies that you can implement, whether you’re an upcoming small business in Liverpool or a major industry name in London.

Find ways to get clients to pay faster

One of the leading causes of cash flow problems is late payments. It’s not always possible to have your clients pay on time, but this can take its toll, especially on small businesses. Should delays extend further than 30 days, your business could be in danger since you’ll need to foot the bill somehow.

To prevent late payments, you should utilise cloud-based online invoicing software. This will automate invoicing processes and automatically send out communications, making sure customers are informed on time and reminded if the payment is late.

You may also choose to take out invoice insurance, which protects you against unpaid invoices. When you eventually receive the payment, it will be a reduced amount based on your policy. That way, you protect yourself in case the worst happens, ensuring your cash flow remains strong.

Hire experienced professionals to help you out

As a business owner, you’re likely already swamped with client calls and plans for growth, making it challenging to put time aside to manage your accounts. Consider bringing a fresh set of eyes to your business instead who is specifically trained to handle your accounts.

By conducting an in-depth examination of your finances, these accounting experts can identify where the cash flow problems lie and suggest ways where expenses can be saved. They’ll also manage your financial records and ensure compliance with tax regulations, potentially saving you from fines and finding ways to reduce your tax burden.

Reduce unnecessary expenses

You’d be surprised by the amount of money businesses waste on unnecessary expenses each year, from untargeted marketing efforts to unused office space and excessive employee numbers. Identifying where you’re overspending can be difficult, so it’s important to first conduct a business audit.

From the audit, you’ll identify areas where you can cut costs completely or find ways to reduce your expenses. For example, if your employees are working remotely more often, you could rent out your workspace or downsize.

Additionally, you may be paying for employee perks that aren’t being used or aren’t beneficial, such as financial wellbeing programmes and sleep apps. While they are great offerings, you could save money and increase your cash flow by getting rid of these.

Choosing the Right Managed IT Services Provider


In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses of all sizes increasingly rely on technology to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and gain a competitive edge. However, managing and maintaining an efficient and secure IT infrastructure can be a daunting task, especially for organisations without dedicated in-house IT resources.

This is where managed IT Services come into play, offering a comprehensive solution that takes the burden off your shoulders and allows you to focus on your core business objectives.

The decision to outsource your IT needs to a managed IT services provider is a significant one, and it’s crucial to choose the right partner who aligns with your business goals and requirements. This article explores the key considerations to keep in mind when selecting a managed IT services provider.

Understanding Your IT Needs

Before embarking on the search for a managed IT services provider, it’s essential to assess your organisation’s unique IT requirements. Conduct a thorough evaluation of your current IT infrastructure, identify areas that require improvement or maintenance, and define your short-term and long-term technology goals. This assessment will provide you with a clear understanding of the services you need from a managed IT services provider.

Evaluating the Provider’s Expertise and Experience

Not all managed IT services providers are created equal. Look for a provider with a proven track record of success and expertise in your industry or niche. Enquire about their certifications, qualifications, and experience in delivering the specific services you require. Additionally, ask for references and case studies from their existing clients to gauge their level of satisfaction and the provider’s ability to solve complex IT challenges.

Assessing the Service Offerings

Different IT support providers offer varying levels of service and support. Ensure that the provider you choose offers a comprehensive suite of services that aligns with your needs. This may include network management, cybersecurity solutions, cloud computing services, data backup and recovery, software updates and patches, and ongoing monitoring and maintenance.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Response Times

When entrusting your IT infrastructure to a third-party provider, it’s crucial to have clear and well-defined Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in place. SLAs outline the provider’s commitment to delivering specific service levels, such as response times, uptime guarantees, and issue resolution timeframes. Review the SLAs carefully and ensure they meet your business’s operational requirements and expectations.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows and evolves, your IT needs will likely change as well. Seek a managed IT services provider that offers scalable solutions and the flexibility to adapt to your changing requirements. This may include the ability to add or remove services, adjust resource allocation, or accommodate fluctuations in workloads or user demands.

Security and Compliance

Cybersecurity and data protection should be top priorities when selecting a managed IT services provider. Ensure that the provider adheres to industry-standard security protocols, implements robust cybersecurity measures, and maintains compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards, depending on your business’s specific requirements.

Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance

A proactive approach to IT management is essential to minimise downtime, prevent issues before they occur, and ensure the smooth operation of your IT systems. Look for a managed IT services provider that offers comprehensive monitoring and maintenance services, including regular updates, patch management, and proactive problem identification and resolution

Cost-Effectiveness and Budgeting

While outsourcing your IT needs can be a cost-effective solution in the long run, it’s crucial to evaluate the pricing structures and overall costs associated with different managed IT services providers. Consider not only the upfront costs but also any potential hidden fees or additional charges. Look for a provider that offers transparent pricing and can work within your budgetary constraints while delivering high-quality services.

Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration between your organisation and the managed IT services provider are essential for a successful partnership. Evaluate the provider’s communication channels, responsiveness, and willingness to collaborate with your team. A provider that values open communication and maintains a close working relationship will better understand your business needs and provide tailored solutions.

Strategic Vision and VCIO Consulting

In addition to managing your day-to-day IT operations, consider a managed IT services provider that offers VCIO Consulting services. A Virtual Chief Information Officer (VCIO) can provide strategic guidance, help align your IT initiatives with your overall business objectives, and ensure that your technology investments are maximised for long-term growth and success.

Choosing the right managed IT services provider is a critical decision that can significantly impact your business’s operational efficiency, security, and overall success. By evaluating your needs, conducting thorough research, and considering the factors outlined in this blog post, you can find a trusted partner that will help you leverage technology and gain a competitive edge in your industry.

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